Small Changes

Friday, January 9, 2015

The older I get, the more I realize that I can no longer do large, all-out changes to make me and my world better…it’s just TOO OVERWHELMING.

Like most people, getting through the day-to-day events of work, keeping house, interacting with those you care about, doing stuff you feel passionate about…all of that takes time and energy.  When you start to think about making changes that a new year inevitably inspires…well, I usually think, “how can I incorporate that into my already busy life?”

So this year I decided to just focus on small, weekly changes.

And I have to say, so far is it really working!

The first week of the year I focused on getting back into drinking my 8 cups of water a day and also keeping that DARN kitchen counter clean! (I don’t know about you, but flat surfaces in our home tend to accumulate piles awful quick and the kitchen counter is one of the worst culprits).

For the water intake I used my two apps (Watero — simple “total cups drank” and Plant Nanny — plants that I pick out “grow” every time I drink water and “water” them…cute!).

For keeping track of the kitchen counter I did a simple check box in my daily planner.

Since those were my two major goals of the week it was easy to keep focus…and checking off the check boxes is VERY rewarding (at least to me!)  And seeing a clean counter top made me SO happy 🙂

Week two I continued to focus on these two tasks and added in two more…clean dining room table and 25 sit ups per day.

Again, simple and easy to stay on task.  So far I’m quite pleased.

Next week I plan to add in filing one hour a week.  This is a big one so I hope I can accomplish it.  I’ve tried a bunch of different ways to get myself to file stuff and really nothing has worked…so fingers crossed!

In other more boring news…I made it through my three days on…and no interaction with JCAHO at all.

It was a HARROWING drive home this morning.  We got about 2-3 inches of snow overnight and it was slippery as all get out.  The snow plows had not gone by and I was driving about 10-15 miles/hour the whole way home…took about an hour (normally takes about 20 minutes).  I was never so glad to pull into my driveway.

So far I’ve had to work the majority of the days with bad weather…is the Universe against me??

So happy to have tonight off…looking forward to a nice, relaxing night.

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