House Chores.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Well, today is the last day of February.  HOW in the heck did that happen??

I’ll take it.  Another month of winter done…that much closer to spring.

Today was all about getting some house stuff done.

–change the sheets on the bed

–wash the old sheets

–dust the bedroom

–sweep the bedroom

Okay, so I guess it wasn’t all that much.  But those are major house chores for me and when I get them done, I’m happy.

Since we weren’t able to get food out from Parthenon yesterday, we got some today.  Grinders and onion rings/fries.  Tasted okay.  Somehow my taster was a little off.

In other news…I was REALLY craving chocolate today.  So I broke open the Raisenettes.  They were good, but I ate WAY TOO MANY.  Now I have a Raisenette stomach ache.

Today is my first of three on.  Crossing my fingers it won’t be too bad.

Meditations from the Mat (Day 59)…

~~the five yamas — nonviolence, honesty, nonstealing, moderation, nonhoarding — the foundation of a happy life

~~living the yamas is an awesome challenge

~~at the core of the yamas is personal responsibility

~~doing the yamas can be difficult when we are faced with our fears

~~”Do not take counsel of your fears” — this is the message of the yamas and the pathway to peace

Things making me happy today: fresh sheets on the bed, all the dog hair up off the bedroom floor!, Raisenettes, eating out, Queer as Folk