Foods that comfort…

Sunday, September 6, 2015

There are just some foods that give you such good, COMFORTING feelings.

Chocolate chip cookies do that for me.

There is just something so NICE about mixing up the dough, licking the beaters, then having Izzy lick the beaters (!), stirring the chips into the stiff batter, plopping rounds of batter onto worn cookie sheets, smelling that lovely, pervasive COOKIE smell as they are baking, sneaking bits of the cookie dough, checking on the pans to see if they are done, pulling out the cookies and putting them on the cookie rack to cool, having that first gooey taste of a warm cookie!!!

I love it 🙂

Can you tell that today I made chocolate chip cookies??

They are for our Labor Day grill out tomorrow at Kimm’s parents.

Not much else happened today…Kimm and I went grocery shopping at Stop and Shop, I wrote a letter of recommendation for a co-worker (but of course I procrastinated and so it didn’t flow as nicely as it could have!!), I changed the sheets on the bed and cleaned the tub.

Now I’m going to be on for two days.  Hopefully they go by FAST.